Tuesday, September 18, 2007

another skool day...

hey!! today was not a bad day.. had poA paper 2 in e morning followed by dnt. went to design studio to find out that mr lee is actually sick.... then went to call sebast, vin and zy to go and see mr lee. saw pau and jerald along e stairs talking. then met waty along e way and i asked her to follow to tell them. just when we reach e canteen saw vin sitting down with his food. he so happy tt mr lee was on MC too bad he heard the first part only.. then i asked them to go and see mr lee then zy said i wait for him to go home first. vin said" u want me to carry my food to e studio ah?"
fortunately, they came be4 mr lee left.

then too lazy to do folio go downstairs to workshop. most doing practical so i went upstairs again. skali jerald came saying tt fauzy maybe saw e moderator then i quickly put away my folio. they moved into e workshop then later see aztually zy was mistaken. he scared me sia.

then i wanted to do the measurements of my artefact parts then mr andy asked me to do some of e things. i agreed naturally. then do do do... after a while zy they all went home and max came..YAY!! SO HAPPY!! FINISHED ARTEFACT!!! and then went canteen and came home. wanted to meet daryl but sorry i was busy aite. now back on my laptop. 2mr must pass up dnt folio and 2mr have dnt prelim!!!

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